Диван (Копировать)

Стоимость от 50,000 руб.

  • Textarea

    This is a textarea option without a price.

    *Text field

    Select box

    Step 2

    Radio buttons

    This option uses a 3 items per row grid

    Radio buttons with images

    This option uses a 3 items per row grid

    Radio buttons

    This option does not use grid

    Step 3

    Check boxes

    This option uses a 3 items per row grid

    Check boxes with images

    This option uses a 3 items per row grid.


    This is a textarea option without a price.

    *Text field

    Select box

    Radio buttons

    This option uses a 3 items per row grid

    Radio buttons with images

    This option uses a 3 items per row grid

    Radio buttons

    This option does not use grid

    Check boxes

    This option uses a 3 items per row grid

    Check boxes with images

    This option uses a 3 items per row grid.

    Conditional Logic

    Click the red shirt to show a hidden section.
    Click the white shirt to show a hidden option.

    Radio buttons with images

    This option is visible when you click the white shirt above.

    This section only appears when you click the red shirt above!

    Check boxes with images

    This option uses a 3 items per row grid.

    Date field

    Date picker

    Date field and picker

    Select a package

    Select word count (Single)

    Select word count (Package)

    Check boxes

    Check boxes

    Radio Buttons


© Элитная мягкая мебель ООО«Дизенгофф» 2009 — 2019 ОГРН: 1185050003929 ИНН: 5038133721

Высокий стандарт европейского качества


Покупая диван у нас, Вы получаете премиальное качество напрямую от производителя,без лишних переплат и дилерских наценок. Мы ценим каждого Клиента !